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The Batman: The Long Halloween duo of writer Jeph Loeb and artist Tim Sale return to Gotham for a high-stakes Catwoman adventure now back in print as a Deluxe Edition hardcover!
In 1996, writer Jeph Loeb and artist Tim Sale teamed up for an instant Dark Knight classic with Batman: The Long Halloween. Then in 1999, they followed up that murder mystery epic with Batman: Dark Victory.
For the third part of their trilogy, Loeb and Sale focused on Batman’s most compelling sometimes-enemy, sometimes-ally in the six-part Catwoman: When in Rome.
Catwoman: When in Rome takes place within the events of Dark Victory, detailing Selina Kyle’s mysterious trip to Italy, her dealings with the deadly Falcone crime family, and her attempt to uncover information about her long-lost parents. As Selina’s Roman Holiday unfolds over the span of a week, she encounters the Riddler, Scarecrow, and even Wonder Woman’s nemesis, the Cheetah!
The third chapter of Loeb and Sale’s signature trilogy returns in a new Deluxe Edition hardcover, collecting Catwoman: When in Rome #1-6!