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More swords, more fighting, more deception...
Shirato Sanpei’s epic feudal sword drama continues! In Shirato’s world, life is hard andevery step forward is hard-won. But through that hardship comes strength. The Legend ofKamui: Volume 2 features more action and more intrigue as minor characters step intothe light of this sweeping seventeenth-century social tapestry.
Deeply embroiled in the deceptive maneuverings of the upper class, the warrior Ikkakubegins to see the betrayal around him. Meanwhile, the genin Shosuke uses his educationto better himself and learn to farm―all while realizing his education can better the lives ofthose around him, too. As he gains the skills and intelligence necessary to forge a pathforward, he also becomes all too aware that there can, and must, be a better way.
WillIkkaku become a prisoner of his own quest for revenge? Will Shosuke find salvation inleading peers out of destitution? The White Wolf, too, resurfaces and begins to lead a lifeapart from other wolves until he meets the great One-Eyed Lone Wolf. Will he be acceptedor will he be killed, hunted down for his rare pelt?
Only time will tell.There is no rest for the wicked, and sinister forces only work against the little guy.
Translated by Richard Rubinger with Noriko Rubinger.