Upcoming Comics!
Currently emailing OK Comics customers about comics that should definitely be on their pull lists.
Want to know what we're excited about? Read on to find out!
Jamie McKelvie has his first creator-owned comic, since the end of Wicked + Divine back in 2019, coming soon from DSTLRY! A John Wick-style murder mystery, set in the 1900's.
I'm so excited to pick up Grommets by Rick Remender, Brian Posehn and one of my all-time favourite artists Brett Parson. An authentic look at coming-of-age in the 1980's and the epic skate culture I'm dying to learn more about.
Superstar creative team Skottie Young and Jorge Corona are back! Ain't No Grave is coming your way! A dark, gorgeously illustrated Western/Fantasy, perfect for fans of McCarthy and Unforgiven.
Brand new crime/thriller series coming your way by Jordan Thomas and Chris Matthews, from Mad Cave Studios. MUGSHOTS is perfect for fans of Brubaker/Phillips and A Righteous Thirst For Vengeance.
DEATH RATIO’D is about a future where social media has replaced the government and the self-reinforcing norms that follow. A dark and satirical read that you don't want to miss.
If any of these titles take your fancy, just email us at shop@okcomics.co.uk and we'll make sure it's on your pull list.