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We've just received our first restock delivery for almost a month!

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We're all in lockdown and I'm sure that like us, a lot of you have been reading the time away... So... What's everyone been reading? 

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OK Comics is still closed, but we're inching towards offering a full, responsible, zero human contact, mail order service. Right now, we can mail out bulk purchases of around 2kg or more. The first few images here should show you what 2kg of books actually looks like. It's around six regular paperbacks, or two or three larger, thicker hardcovers. The only way to order, is via email, so send yours to Tell us what you want, we'll send you a paypal request, and as soon as it's paid we'll get the books on their way to you. We'll have...

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Comic shops are closed, but behind the scenes the comic ordering process continues. OK Comics is currently putting together another months worth of pre-orders for stuff, optimistically, due out in June.

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